This repo contains Infra as Code along with the tools to use.
It is a custom docker image that contains all the tools you might need to use this repo.
- Working docker
- Your linux user is able to run docker commands without sudo
For ansible to work your host needs direct network connection with the internal azure virtual networks. You can use openvpn connection for that or run this container on a host in an azure vm. Or use ssh passthrough for all IPs as shown in Tune your ~/.ssh/config for openvpn.
- kubectl
- ansible /w libs
- azure libs and cli
- packer
- terraform
- terragrunt
- packer
- some default software (curl, tar, mc, etc...)
The user you start the container with is going to be created inside the container. And you have your home dir mounted inside the container.
As long as your home dir is mounted all your keys in ~/.ssh/
directory are effective. But the most important that your ssh-agent keys are passed through.
Please use keepass with ssh-agent and don't store you keys as files.
Run this script to jump inside: ./workspace/
In case the Dockerfile were updated use the command: ./workspace/ build
Use ./workspace/ build --no-cahce
if you get some 404 while downloading packages and failed build.
Tune your ~/.ssh/config
Host *
# Avoid server key checking
StrictHostKeyChecking no
# Use your ssh keys on remote hosts without transfering them
ForwardAgent yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
# Misc...
SendEnv LANG LC_*
HashKnownHosts yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
ServerAliveInterval 100
Terragrant is installed. It is a nice wrapper for terraform.
tfp apply -pattern=.*vm_02.*
Use tfp
command instead of terragrunt
. It is available inside the container. Originally I got it from here :