Releases: SalesforceFoundation/OutboundFundsModule
1.16 (Beta 8)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
Based on Salesforce Winer 19, you can specify scratch org settings or org preferences in your scratch org definition file, but not both. Salesforce encourages to convert org preferences to scratch org settings in your scratch org definition. Scratch org settings provide more settings that aren’t currently available as org preferences. [PR25]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR26]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR27]
*Adding, with instructions & links to CumulusCI documentation [PR38]
Pull requests with no release notes
- Add install plan for metadeploy [PR28]
1.16 (Beta 7)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
Based on Salesforce Winer 19, you can specify scratch org settings or org preferences in your scratch org definition file, but not both. Salesforce encourages to convert org preferences to scratch org settings in your scratch org definition. Scratch org settings provide more settings that aren’t currently available as org preferences. [PR25]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR26]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR27]
Pull requests with no release notes
- Add install plan for metadeploy [PR28]
1.16 (Beta 6)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
Based on Salesforce Winer 19, you can specify scratch org settings or org preferences in your scratch org definition file, but not both. Salesforce encourages to convert org preferences to scratch org settings in your scratch org definition. Scratch org settings provide more settings that aren’t currently available as org preferences. [PR25]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR26]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR27]
1.16 (Beta 5)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
Based on Salesforce Winer 19, you can specify scratch org settings or org preferences in your scratch org definition file, but not both. Salesforce encourages to convert org preferences to scratch org settings in your scratch org definition. Scratch org settings provide more settings that aren’t currently available as org preferences. [PR25]
Uploads package documentation to reside in the wiki including the install guides. [PR27]
1.16 (Beta 4)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
Based on Salesforce Winer 19, you can specify scratch org settings or org preferences in your scratch org definition file, but not both. Salesforce encourages to convert org preferences to scratch org settings in your scratch org definition. Scratch org settings provide more settings that aren’t currently available as org preferences. [PR25]
1.16 (Beta 3)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
1.16 (Beta 2)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
1.16 (Beta 1)
Critical Changes
Adding BSD 3-Clause License to GitHub [PR19]
Critical Changes
Funding Program relationship on Funding Request from Master Detail to Lookup.
Changes Funding Program Lookup Field Name on Funding Request from Funding_Program__c to FundingProgram__c. Reason for change is because master detail field needs to be deleted in packaging org. And new Lookup field needs to be under new name.
- Added a New Requirements Quick Action to the default page layout for Funding Requests
Add Outbound Funds Astro as app image for Outbound Funds App.
Issues Closed
#5: Add a New Requirements Quick Action to Funding Request layout
1.15 (Beta 2)
Critical Changes
Funding Program relationship on Funding Request from Master Detail to Lookup. [PR15]
Changes Funding Program Lookup Field Name on Funding Request from Funding_Program__c to FundingProgram__c. Reason for change is because master detail field needs to be deleted in packaging org. And new Lookup field needs to be under new name. [PR16]
- Added a New Requirements Quick Action to the default page layout for Funding Requests [PR10]
Add Outbound Funds Astro as app image for Outbound Funds App. [PR18]
Issues Closed
#5: Add a New Requirements Quick Action to Funding Request layout [PR10]