Markdown preview plugin for Neovim
use({ 'toppair/peek.nvim', run = 'deno task --quiet build:fast' })
-- default config:
auto_load = true, -- whether to automatically load preview when
-- entering another markdown buffer
close_on_bdelete = true, -- close preview window on buffer delete
syntax = true, -- enable syntax highlighting, affects performance
theme = 'dark', -- 'dark' or 'light'
update_on_change = true,
app = 'webview', -- 'webview', 'browser', string or a table of strings
-- explained below
filetype = { 'markdown' },-- list of filetypes to recognize as markdown
-- relevant if update_on_change is true
throttle_at = 200000, -- start throttling when file exceeds this
-- amount of bytes in size
throttle_time = 'auto', -- minimum amount of time in milliseconds
-- that has to pass before starting new render
Preview opens in a webview window by default.
You can set this option to 'browser'
(will use your default browser as previewer) or
specify browser along with arguments:
app = 'chromium'
app = { 'chromium', '--new-window' }
Chromium based browser is recommended.
method | |
open | Open preview window |
close | Close preview window |
is_open | Returns true if preview window is currently open |
Example command setup:
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PeekOpen', require('peek').open, {})
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PeekClose', require('peek').close, {})
The following keybinds are active when preview window is focused:
key | |
k | scroll up |
j | scroll down |
u | scroll up half a page |
d | scroll down half a page |
g | scroll to top |
G | scroll to bottom |
Use your window manager to set preview window properties. Window title is Peek preview
i3wm examples:
# do not focus preview window on open
no_focus [title="^Peek preview$"]
Use i3-msg
to manipulate current layout and open preview window at desired position:
local peek = require('peek')
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PeekOpen', function()
if not peek.is_open() and[vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()].filetype == 'markdown' then
vim.fn.system('i3-msg split horizontal')
end, {})
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('PeekClose', function()
if peek.is_open() then
vim.fn.system('i3-msg move left')
end, {})