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A python script that will notify a slack room when sonos music is playing too loud


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Turn Down For What - A Simple Sonos Volume Monitor with Slack Notifications

This Python script monitors Sonos speakers on your network, adjusts their volume if it exceeds a specified maximum, and sends notifications to a Slack channel when the volume is adjusted. The script runs continuously and checks the speakers at regular intervals.


  • Volume Monitoring: Continuously monitors the volume of Sonos speakers.
  • Automatic Adjustment: Lowers the volume if it exceeds a defined maximum.
  • Slack Notifications: Sends a message to a Slack channel when the volume is adjusted.
  • Debounce Mechanism: Prevents spamming by ensuring notifications are sent no more than once every 5 minutes per speaker.
  • Group Handling: Processes only coordinator speakers to avoid duplicate notifications in grouped speakers.
  • Logging: Logs activities and errors to both the console and a log file.


  • Python 3.6 or higher: Required for f-string support and compatibility.
  • Sonos Speakers: At least one Sonos speaker connected to your network.
  • Slack Workspace: Access to a Slack workspace where you can create a Slack app and receive notifications.
  • Raspberry Pi or Other Device: A device to run the script continuously (e.g., Raspberry Pi).


Clone the Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine or directly onto your Raspberry Pi:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd TurnDownForWhat

Install Dependencies

Install the required Python packages using pip:

pip install soco slack_sdk python-dotenv
  • soco: Library for controlling Sonos speakers.
  • slack_sdk: Slack SDK for Python to interact with the Slack API.
  • python-dotenv: To load environment variables from a .env file.


1. Set Up Slack App

Create a Slack App and Obtain a Bot Token

  • Create a Slack App:

    • Go to Slack API Apps and click "Create New App".
    • Choose "From scratch", give your app a name (e.g., SonosVolumeBot), and select your workspace.
  • Configure App Permissions:

    • Navigate to "OAuth & Permissions" in your app settings.
    • Under "Scopes", add the following Bot Token Scopes:
      • chat:write
    • Click "Install App to Workspace" and authorize the app.
    • Copy the Bot User OAuth Token (starts with xoxb-).
  • Invite the Bot to Your Slack Channel:

    • In Slack, invite your bot to the channel where you want to receive notifications using /invite @SonosVolumeBot.

Get Your Slack Channel ID

  • Open Slack and navigate to the channel.
  • Click on the channel name to view details.
  • The URL will have the channel ID in the format C01234567.
  • Alternatively, right-click on the channel name and select "Copy Link".

2. Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the project directory to securely store your Slack credentials:

  • Replace xoxb-your-slack-bot-token with your actual Slack bot token.
  • Replace your-slack-channel-id with the ID of the Slack channel.

3. Adjust Script Constants (Optional)

Open in a text editor and adjust the constants if necessary:

MAX_VOLUME = 15          # Maximum allowed volume
CHECK_INTERVAL = 30      # Time in seconds between volume checks
DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL = 300  # Time in seconds between notifications per speaker


Running the Script

Run the script using Python 3:

  • The script will continuously monitor your Sonos speakers.
  • It adjusts the volume if it exceeds the MAX_VOLUME.
  • Sends a Slack notification when the volume is adjusted, no more than once every DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL seconds per speaker.

Running the Script in the Background

To keep the script running even after closing the terminal or logging out, run it in the background or as a service.

Using nohup

nohup python3 &

Using screen

screen -S sonos_monitor

Detach from the screen session with Ctrl+A then D.

Using tmux

tmux new -s sonos_monitor

Detach from the tmux session with Ctrl+B then D.

Using systemd Service

Create a systemd service file to run the script as a service on startup.

  1. Create Service File

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sonos_volume_monitor.service
  2. Add the Following Content

    Description=Sonos Volume Monitor Service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/project/
    • Replace /path/to/your/project with the actual path to your script.
    • Ensure User is set to the correct user (e.g., pi).
  3. Reload systemd and Enable Service

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable sonos_volume_monitor.service
    sudo systemctl start sonos_volume_monitor.service
  4. Check Service Status

    sudo systemctl status sonos_volume_monitor.service


The script logs its activities to both the console and a log file named volume_monitor.log in the project directory.

  • Log Format: Includes timestamps, log levels, and messages.
  • Log Levels: INFO, ERROR, etc.

Viewing Logs

  • In Real-Time:

    tail -f volume_monitor.log
  • Entire Log File:

    cat volume_monitor.log


Slack Notifications Not Appearing

  • Ensure Bot Is Invited: Use /invite @SonosVolumeBot in your Slack channel.
  • Check Permissions: Verify that the bot has the chat:write scope.
  • Review Slack API Errors: Errors are logged and can indicate permission issues.

Script Not Discovering Speakers

  • Network Connection: Ensure the device running the script is on the same network as your Sonos speakers.
  • Firewall Settings: Check that no firewall is blocking the required ports.
  • Sonos System Updates: Ensure your Sonos speakers are updated to the latest firmware.

Multiple Notifications

  • Grouped Speakers: The script processes only coordinator speakers to avoid duplicates.
  • Debounce Interval: Adjust DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL if notifications are too frequent.

Error Messages in Logs

  • Syntax Errors: Ensure you are running the script with Python 3.6 or higher.
  • Dependency Issues: Verify that all required packages are installed.
  • Environment Variables: Check that the .env file is correctly configured.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


  • SoCo Library: For providing the tools to interact with Sonos speakers.
  • Slack SDK for Python: For enabling Slack integrations.
  • Community: For ideas and feedback on improving the script.


A python script that will notify a slack room when sonos music is playing too loud







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