You should have Ruby 2.2 installed. Preferred way is using rbenv. Once you have that installed, run rbenv install 2.2.2
You'll also need Postgresql and Redis running locally.
Install a few git-related dependencies via Homebrew:
brew install libgit2 cmake
Install foreman for running the app's different services via the Procfile:
gem install foreman
Create a file named .env, with the following contents. Replace the database and ngrok placeholder values with your own. The twitter keys are for development and don't require customization.
bundle install
rake setup
If you get an error installing the pg gem, find pg_config on your filesystem, then:
export CONFIGURE_ARGS="with-pg-config=/path/to/bin/pg_config"
Then bundle install again.
The packager currently requires the supported node_modules to be in the /app_js directory. More docs on this soon.
Finally, to tunnel traffic from the simulators to our machine, install ngrok.
Run ngrok like:
ngrok http 34580
Then, add this line to .env:
Then restart foreman. Your simulator should have access to your local apps.
To run the Rails app, webpack server and the ngrok tunnel together:
foreman start
Leave this terminal window open, as logs will show up here.
Visit http://localhost:34560 to see the app main page.
Work on a branch when making changes. Master should always be deployable to production.
The React app entry point is in app/assets/javascripts/editor.js. Its props are passed in from the server template app/views/apps/edit.html.erb.
All css files are located in app/assets/stylesheets.