This is the template provided to start the web server for Tutorial 4. You should download this repository to follow along when watching the tutorial.
The finished example can be found on the finished branch of this repository.
Note: For Lab instructions please refer to Lab04
We encourage you to use either IntelliJ IDE or maven from command line in order to get the best support from our TAs.
HelloWorld interface and class which will hold the functions of our web service.
ServicePublisher class that publishes the generated WSDL file on an http server.
Client class which we can use to test without SoapUI.
When importing the project in IntelliJ, you can go to File -> New -> Project From Existing Sources... and use the existing pom.xml file to initialize the project.
Follow the tutorial on how to setup the service classes and the publisher. When they are done, right click on the ServicePublisher and choose Run main().
Run the folllowing commands in the associated project directory:
mvn install
Run (ServicePublisher)
mvn exec:java -Ppublisher
mvn clean
To test with SoapUI, run the program and click on new SOAP project. While ServicePublisher is still running, enter a project name and copy the WSDL url in the initial WSDL field.
You can now open requests from the navigator on the left, edit the message and send a SOAP request to the server to get a response. To submit the request, click on the green play button.
curl -i -X POST -H "SOAPAction: \"\"" -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --data @envelope.xml http://localhost:8090/helloworld