Welcome to Computer Networking. In this lab, we will build a minimal Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client that can talk with real servers upon basic POSIX socket interfaces. After finishing this lab, you will (hopefully) get familiar with network application programming and some basic security concerns. We expect this lab takes you between 20 to 30 hours to complete.
This could be a team work. You can do this work on your own or team with another student (i.e. the maximum number of team members is 2). Members of a team will get the same grade for this lab.
Discussion with others. You can discuss high-level implementation ideas with other teams. But DO NOT copy or look at other teams' codes.
To talk with real servers, we MUST make our implementation RFC-compliant. Since SFTP is a subsystem of Secure Shell protocol (SSH), we follow the RFC specification of the whole SSH system, including:
- RFC4251 SSH Protocol Architecture
- RFC4253 SSH Transport Layer Protocol
- RFC4252 SSH Authentication Protocol
- RFC4254 SSH Connection Protocol
- IETF Draft SSH File Transfer Protocol
We highly recommend you read those materials and refer to the specification when your program behaves abnormally.
- Git: distributed version control system.
- CMake and Makefile: build automation, testing, packaging, and installation.
- Wireshark: the world's foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
This lab works on both MacOS (validated on 12.2.1 Monterey) and Linux (validated on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS).
This lab builds with CMake. The latest release is recommended.
This lab uses OpenSSL as the cryptography library.
- MacOS
sudo brew install openssl
- Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt-get instal libssl-dev
- Download from Github. You may create a fork and download it.
git clone https://github.com/SOAR-PKU/lab-sftp.git
cd lab-sftp
# Build the targets. All built objects are in the `build` directory.
cmake -B build -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="Your OpenSSL installation location" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="Your gcc installation location" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DMACOS -DLOG_LEVEL=DEBUG"
cmake --build build
- We validate our implementation using GCC. However, MacOS is shipped with a "fake" GCC (i.e. its
is actually an alias toApple clang
). Thus you may need to install a real GCC (version 11 is recommended) and indicate its location to cmake. - MacOS is shipped with LibreSSL, not OpenSSL, thus you may also need to indicate your OpenSSL location to cmake.
For example, if you install GCC and OpenSSL with
, your building flags could be:
-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected] -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-11
cmake --build build
cd build
./client username@hostname
Our code will be done in pure C. C does not provide too much magic, and therefore you have to care about:
- Error handling: Conventionally, C handles errors and exceptions via return value: 0 indicates "OK" and some negative numbers indicate "error".
- Memory management: You are responsible for ALL memory management issues of the C. We impose
on memory allocation in this lab.
You may find the logger helpful when working on this lab. We've provided you with a simple synchronous logger (see include/libsftp/logger.h
// Log with different levels, higher LOG_LEVEL disables lower level logging messages.
LOG_DEBUG("This is a debug message #%d", 1);
LOG_ERROR("This indicates that something is wrong with %s", "my program");
// Log and kill the program
LOG_CRITICAL("Fatal error: %d", errno);
You are welcome to add functionalities to and customize your logger.
In this lab, our goal is to complete the following tasks, each of which is marked as any one of PT (Programming Task), WT (Writing Task), or CP (Checkpoint).
- For the programming tasks, you should submit your implementation (additional documentation files are not necessary);
- For the writing tasks, you should submit your answer to each task;
- For each checkpoint, you should attach images, videos, or typescript files, along with a brief explanation.
As specified by RFC standard, the whole SSH system is layered. Thus we recommend the team work on different layers in parallel if you choose to work with a teammate.
Please refer to RFC 4253 for detailed information.
SSH transport layer deals with security. It sets up a secure connection with the server. This procedure is explained in the guidebook and some specifications are listed as follows:
uint32 packet_length
byte padding_length
byte[n1] payload; n1 = packet_length - padding_length - 1
byte[n2] random padding; n2 = padding_length
byte[m] mac (Message Authentication Code - MAC); m = mac_length
- 'packet_length' does not include 'mac' or the 'packet_length' field itself
- (packet_length || padding_length || payload || random padding) is a multiple of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger
- All implementations MUST be able to process packets with an uncompressed payload length of 32768 bytes or less and a total packet size of 35000 bytes or less (including 'packet_length', 'padding_length', 'payload', 'random padding', and 'mac')
- The server MAY send other lines of data before sending the version string. Each line SHOULD be terminated by a Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF).
- Identification string: SSH-protoversion-softwareversion SP comments CR LF
Complete version exchange procedure.
Show the server identification string.
- The algorithm negotiation format
byte[16] cookie (random bytes)
name-list kex_algorithms
name-list server_host_key_algorithms
name-list encryption_algorithms_client_to_server
name-list encryption_algorithms_server_to_client
name-list mac_algorithms_client_to_server
name-list mac_algorithms_server_to_client
name-list compression_algorithms_client_to_server
name-list compression_algorithms_server_to_client
name-list languages_client_to_server
name-list languages_server_to_client
boolean first_kex_packet_follows
uint32 0 (reserved for future extension)
Complete algorithm negotiation procedure.
Show the negotiated cipher suite (it should be the only cipher suite we support).
We use diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange algorithm Check section 8 of RFC 4253 for detailed explanation.
The key exchange produces two values: a shared secret K, and an exchange hash H. Encryption and authentication keys are derived from these. The exchange hash H from the first key exchange is additionally used as the session identifier, which is a unique identifier for this connection.
Encryption keys MUST be computed as a digest of the key exchange method specified hash.
Key exchange ends by each side sending an SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS message. This message is sent with the old keys and algorithms.
# client to server
mpint e
# server to client
string server public host key and certificates (K_S)
mpint f
string signature of H
Complete Diffie-Hellman key exchange procedure.
Show that after the key exchange, all messages are encrypted (you can attach a Wireshark screenshot showing that the the payload of a TCP segment is encrypted).
- Once the connection is set up, the client asks for service.
string service name ("ssh-userauth" or "ssh-connection")
- The ciphers in each direction MUST run independently of each other. In practice however, it is RECOMMENDED that the same algorithm be used in both directions.
- We only support AES256-CBC as the encryption algorithm.
mac = MAC(key, sequence_number || unencrypted_packet)
sequence_number is an implicit packet sequence number represented as uint32. The sequence_number is initialized to zero for the first packet, and is incremented after every packet. The packet sequence_number itself is not included in the packet sent over the wire.
The MAC algorithms for each direction MUST run independently, and implementations MUST allow choosing the algorithm independently for both directions. In practice however, it is RECOMMENDED that the same algorithm be used in both directions.
We only support hmac-sha1 (digest length = key length = 20) as the MAC algorithm.
- format
string certificate or public key format identifier
byte[n] key/certificate data
- ssh-rsa
string "ssh-rsa"
mpint e
mpint n
- We DO NOT check and verify the server's public key for simplicity, This may incur security compromise but it does not harm functionality.
Please refer to RFC 4252 for detailed information.
SSH authentication layer deals with user authentication. The server authenticates if the client is permitted to access its resource. This procedure is explained in the guidebook and some specifications are listed as follows:
string user name in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
string service name in US-ASCII
string method name in US-ASCII
.... method specific fields
- success
- failure
byte SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE name-list authentications that can continue boolean partial success
- The server MAY send a banner to the client in this layer.
string message in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
string language tag [RFC3066]
- We only support password method.
string user name
string service name
string "password"
boolean FALSE
string plaintext password in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
Complete user authentication procedure.
Show that the server grants access to the client (authentication success).
Please refer to RFC 4254 for detailed information.
SSH connection layer deals with data channel. SSH multiplex a connection into multiple virtual channels for service virtualization and flexibility. This procedure is explained in the guidebook and some specifications are listed as follows:
- All terminal sessions, forwarded connections, etc., are channels. Either side may open a channel. Multiple channels are multiplexed into a single connection.
- Channels are flow-controlled. No data may be sent to a channel until a message is received to indicate that window space is available.
Client implementations SHOULD reject any session channel open requests to make it more difficult for a corrupt server to attack the client.
string channel type in US-ASCII only ("session" for sftp)
uint32 sender channel
uint32 initial window size
uint32 maximum packet size
.... channel type specific data follows
The 'recipient channel' is the channel number given in the original open request, and 'sender channel' is the channel number allocated by the other side.
uint32 recipient channel
uint32 sender channel
uint32 initial window size
uint32 maximum packet size
.... channel type specific data follows
uint32 recipient channel
uint32 reason code
string description in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
string language tag [RFC3066]
uint32 recipient channel
string "subsystem"
boolean want reply
string "sftp"
uint32 recipient channel
uint32 recipient channel
- Both the client and server MAY send global requests at any time, and the receiver MUST respond appropriately.
string request name in US-ASCII only
boolean want reply
.... request-specific data follows
Complete channel open and SFTP subsystem request procedure.
Show that the channel is successfully opened (you can paste the channel number and window size of both ends).
- Flow control: adjust window, Both parties use the following message to adjust the window.
uint32 recipient channel
uint32 bytes to add
- Send data
uint32 recipient channel
string data
uint32 recipient channel
uint32 recipient channel
Please refer to IETF draft on SFTP for detailed information.
SFTP layer handles file manipulation. We only support opening, closing, reading, and writing of a file (but you are welcomed to add more functionalities).
- All packets transmitted over the secure connection are of the following format:
uint32 length
byte type
byte[length - 1] data payload
- Two ends negotiate version number.
uint32 version
<extension data>
- Files are opened and created using the SSH_FXP_OPEN message, whose data part is as follows:
# request
uint32 id
string filename
uint32 pflags
ATTRS attrs
# response
uint32 id
string handle
- Files are closed using the SSH_FXP_CLOSE message, whose data part is as follows:
# request
uint32 id
string handle
# response
SFTP status message (see below)
# read
uint32 id
string handle
uint64 offset
uint32 len
# write
uint32 id
string handle
uint64 offset
string data
uint32 id
uint32 error/status code
string error message (ISO-10646 UTF-8 [RFC-2279])
string language tag (as defined in [RFC-1766])
uint32 id
string handle
uint32 id
string data
Complete SFTP file manipulation procedure.
Show that your implementation can upload and download source file client.c
to and from the remote server.
This lab are worth 12 points (pts). Your gained points will be your final grade of lab 4 in this course. See points for each task above.
You should submit your whole project in an archive named
- lab4-name-studentID.[tar|tar.gz|zip] if you work on your own
- lab4-name1-studentID1-name2-studentID2.[tar|tar.gz|zip] if you work as a team
In addition to the provided code, you should add:
- a file named not-implemented.pdf listing tasks/features that are required but not implemented. You also need to explicitly give the reasons why you are not implementing them. Submit an empty file if you finished all the tasks. You may lose credits by adding items to this list, but being dishonest on this will make you lose more;
- a directory named
containing your texts, images, videos, or typescript files for each checkpoint.
For submission, please send an email to [email protected]. Missing the deadlines incurs a penalty.
This work is inspired and guided by libssh.