A repository to store the code and data for the SModelS v2 physics paper
Due to GitHub storage limitations the data (SLHA files, SModelS and Micromegas output) are stored in CERNBox.
The data for the EW-ino scan can be downloaded from CERNBox using:
wget https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/gE7wsm4GQf2GHTw/download -O EWinoData.tar.gz
The tarball contains 3 folders containing the SLHA files (slha_scanRandom), the SModelS output (smodels_scanRandom) and the Micromegas output (micromegas_scanRandom).
The data for the scalar DM scenario (SLHA files and SModelS output) scan can be downloaded from CERNBox using:
wget https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/BtynYoh6QiEWraP/download -O ScotoScalarDMData.tar.gz
The tarball contains 2 folders containing the SLHA files (slha) and the SModelS output (smodelsOutput).
The data for the Fermionic DM scenario (SLHA files and SModelS output) scan can be downloaded from CERNBox using:
wget https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/XossUMgVmjksVO2/download -O ScotoFermionDMData.tar.gz
The tarball contains 2 folders containing the SLHA files (slha) and the SModelS output (smodelsOutput). Each folder has the following structure:
- mhc_electronic_decays: scenario with BR(H+ -> e+ + N1) = 100%
- deltam_5: scan with mH0-mH+ = 5 GeV
- deltam_50: scan with mH0-mH+ = 50 GeV
- mhc_muonic_decays: scenario with BR(H+ -> mu+ + N1) = 100%
- deltam_5: scan with mH0-mH+ = 5 GeV
- deltam_50: scan with mH0-mH+ = 50 GeV
- mhc_mixed_decays: scenario with BR(H+ -> e+ + N1) = BR(H+ -> mu+ + N1) = 50%
- deltam_5: scan with mH0-mH+ = 5 GeV
- deltam_50: scan with mH0-mH+ = 50 GeV
The SLHA input and SModelS output can be easily combined using Pandas DataFrames and stored as a pickle file, as shown in EWino/results/getEWinoData.ipynb.
For plotting the results using the DataFrame pickle file, see EWino/results/plots-EWinoScan.ipynb
The SLHA input and SModelS output can be read and plotted using the notebook example IDM-Scoto/scalar_DM_scenario/plotScotoScalarExample.ipynb.
The script installer.sh will try to fetch and install the following packages:
The Prospino installation includes small changes to the Prospino code in order to make it easier to run the code in parallel. The required Micromegas files are stored in micromegaFiles and compiled during installation.
The main scripts generating the SLHA files using SoftSUSY and computing the cross-sections (using SModelS or Prospino) are:
- EWino/genSLHAfiles.py : runs a scan to compute the SUSY spectrum using SoftSUSY and compute cross-sections using SModelS
- EWino/computeXsecs.py : compute cross-sections using SModelS for a set of SLHA files
- EWino/computeXsecs_prospino.py : compute cross-sections using Prospino for a set of SLHA files (only cross-sections for combinations of C1,N1 and N2 are included!)
The input of the above scripts are controlled by par (.ini) files stored in the EWino folder.
The SModelS output is computed using the runSModelS.py script with this parameter file