LCD display as an angular component.
Choose your colors,size and number range!
Download lcd-display-component floder
Paste it into your angular app,
and declarate it in declarations array in app.module.ts,
then you can use lcd-component
- number - Number to display. Default 0
- backgroundColor - Display's background-color. Default #000 (black)
- width - Digit width. Default 20px
- height - Digit height. Default 40px
- activeColor - Active lines color. Default rgb(243, 0, 0) (bright-red)
- disabledColor - Disabled lines color. Default rgb(60, 0, 0) (dark-red)
- maxNumberLength - Maximal number of digits in number. Each number with more digits then maxNumberLength'll be writen like 9*maxNumberLength for example: maxNumberLength = 3 => 999 Setting this value to null this option'll be disactiated. Default null
- minNumberLength - Minimal number of digits in number. Each number with less digits then minNumberLength'll be writen for example: minNumberLength = 4; number = 21 => 0021 Setting this value to null this option'll be disactiated .Default null