Here're some of the project's best features:
- Play a game with your friends to get a food recommendation place for their next hangout.
1. Install packages
npm install
2. Fix dependency error
npm install pinia --legacy-peer-deps
2. Fix dependency error
npm install pinia --legacy-peer-deps
3. Create a file named ".env" and type in the relevant variables
4. Once all packages are installed, run the project
npm run start
5. Visit the project on the browser
npm run client
npm run server
1. Open the file '.env'
2. Change VUE_APP_BACKEND_URL variable
1. The backend service is running on port 8081 and frontend service is running on port 8080
2. Copy Link feature only works if page has SSL certificate or hosted on localhost
3. If issue with Pinia dependency, run "npm install pinia --legacy-peer-deps"
4. Backend Files: /server
5. Frontend Files: /src and /public
Technologies used in the project:
- VueJS
- Google Places API
- Rive.JS
- Sass
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- DiceBears Avatar API
- Bootstrap
- NES.css
- Pinia
- Vue Router
Darryl Soh |
Sim Yan Yi |
Seah Yok Sim |
Glen Low |
Dylan Teoh |