Exercism.io provides practice problems and mentorship for many programming langauges. This repository contains my solutions to the "JavaScript Track".
As with all exercism tracks, I practice creating these solutions to acquire a basic knowledge of the syntax and built-in functionality of the language, as well as improved fluency in reading and writing idiomatic code for the language.
- All Your Base
- Allergies
- Bob
- Flatten Array
- Grade School
- Grains
- Linked List
- List Ops
- Minesweeper
- Nucleotide Count
- Pascal's Triangle
- Robot Name
- Scrabble Score
- Secret Handshake
- Simple Cipher
- Sum of Multiples
- Variable Length Quantity
- Acronym
- Anagram
- Armstrong Numbers
- Collatz Conjecture
- D&D Character
- Darts
- Difference of Squares
- Diffie Hellman
- Gigasecond
- Hamming
- Hello World
- High Scores
- Isogram
- Leap
- Matching Brackets
- Matrix
- Pangram
- Perfect Numbers
- Phone Number
- Protein Translation
- Raindrops
- Resistor Color Duo
- Resistor Color
- Reverse String
- RNA Transcription
- Roman Numerals
- Rotational Cipher
- Run Length Encoding
- Series
- Space Age
- Transpose
- Triangle
- Two Fer
- Word Count
For each solution, install dependencies (I use yarn
), then run the package test script. Check the README for further instructions.
yarn && yarn test
To run all the tests, use the test_all.sh
sh _scripts/test_all.sh
Alternatively, tests can be run from a container using the 'Dockerfile'. Tests will run on build.
docker build --tag exercism-javascript-answers:latest .
When I first began developing this project, Yarn performed much better due to its package caching.