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Andy Gill edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 10 revisions

This repo is the SIGPLAN webpages, Editorial control remains with the SIGPLAN Information Director (mailto:[email protected]). The SIGPLAN Information Director does not grant write access to this repo; instead the github capabilities are used to provide new content, or updates to existing content. The pages are automatically reflect to the site, and after further review, are pushed to using an rsync script. The pages are hosted by the ACM.

Update the web content

There are two ways of providing updates to the website

  • Providing a github "Pull Request" to this repo.
  • Requesting via email that the SIGPLAN ID make a specific change.

The first is preferable for larger changes; the second can be used for fixing typos, updating lists, and other smaller updates.

How to make a Pull Request

  • [Optional] First, fork the repo. There is a button from this near the top right-hand corner.
  • Second, change the markdown file (with a md suffix) that corresponds to the html you wish to change, in your repo. You can also do this on github, by clicking on the file, and clicking the edit icon. If you click edit without forking, then a fork will be done automatically.
  • Third, commit your change to your forked repo. There is no need for a detailed commit message, especially if the change is contextually obvious.
  • The final step is to create a pull request. There is a button on the left-hand side, green with two arrows in it. Click it to start creating a request, click "Create Pull Request", then accept the request (3 clicks). This is quite easy after you have done it once, and it is possible batch changes.

The SIGPLAN Information Director will be notified of your changes, and accept them, perhaps with minor edits. If there is an issue, the ID will inform you. Most updates either get accepted with no problems, or get pushed to for review by the author, before going live on


It is also possible to edit the pages offline; this is just a completely standard jekyll/github-pages repo. Again, the push mechanism should be used to send changes.

If you see something wrong with the page, you can always create a issue in this repo.