contains some initial runs we did using ISSM-GlaDS, but was too slow as steady state runs took hours for a few years of simulation time. residue tolerance is contained in the .par file which may contribute to how slow the model runs.
is the improved version, as it specifies residue tolerance in runme.m
which massively speeds computation time. The ice velocity is now updated from 10^-6 m/yr to 30 m/yr
contains files to compare ISSM-GlaDS to Matlab-GlaDS using the D suite from the SHMIP experiments ( Badrunme.m
contains bad timestepping (minimum step size of 1 day) while runme.m
contains good timestepping (minimum step size of 1 hour and maximum of 5 days). We recommend forgoing adaptive timestepping and just use 1 or 2 hours as the step size - computation time is not massively impacted by this and allows for better comparison to the paper because you can compare the same day of the year to the paper's results
contains elevation dependent melt input of the Kaskawulsh glacier, files relating to the topography (finding terminus, mesh and DEM, etc), a .par file that GlaDS imports parameters from, and a file that runs GlaDS using all these.