Our framework deals with UML models made of the following diagrams: a Component Diagram that describes the software components and their Interfaces/Operations; a Deployment Diagram that describes the allocation of artifacts, corresponding to components, on platform nodes; a Use Case Diagram that describes the actors and the use cases that they can execute; a number of Sequence Diagrams, one for each use case, that describe the system behavior in terms of interactions among components.
Official Github repository: https://github.com/SEALABQualityGroup/padre
- Download Eclipse Modelling Tool: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/eclipse-packages/
- Installing the following EPSILON plugins from its Update Site (http://download.eclipse.org/epsilon/1.3/updates/):
- core
- development tools
- EMF integration
- GMF integration
- UML integration
- Cloning PADRE from https://github.com/SEALABQualityGroup/padre.git
- Import in eclipse PADRE projects
- Create a running configuration for UML in:
- Select an EVL file (e.g. padre/it.spe.disim.epsilon.antipattern_d-s/evl/AP-UML-MARTE.evl)
- Give a name (e.g. BGCS)
- Select a model from workspace (e.g. padre/it.spe.disim.epsilon.antipattern_d-s/model/uml/BGCS/BGCS.uml)
- Select only this metamodels:
- UML standar profile
- Ecore
- Select an EPL file (e.g. padre/it.spe.disim.epsilon.antipattern_d-s/epl/AP-UML-MARTE.epl)
- Give a name (e.g. BGCS)
- Select a model from workspace (e.g. padre/it.spe.disim.epsilon.antipattern_d-s/model/uml/BGCS/BGCS.uml)
- Select only this metamodels:
- UML standar profile
- Ecore
- Add new EMF/GMF wizard (from Eclipse preferences -> epsilon -> EMF/GMF wizards)
- Select an EWL files from workspace (e.g. padre/it.spe.disim.epsilon.antipattern_d-s/ewl/AP-UML-MARTE.ewl)
- Select the UML namespace uri (http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/5.0.0/UML)
- enjoy :-)
- MacOS Sierra (10.12.06);
- Eclipse Oxygen Modelling Tools with the following plugins in place:
- Epsilon 1.3,
- Papyrus (any)
- Papyrus MARTE profile (dowloaded from http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/papyrus/updates/releases/neon)
Latest Release: 1.0.0
This release provides several major features:
- supports several performance antipattern detection and removal
- Blob, Pipe and Filter, Extensive Processing, Concurrent Processing Systems, Empty Semi Truck, Tower of Babel
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 (see http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php)
Source Repositories: https://github.com/SEALABQualityGroup/padre.git Clone:
- ssh: [email protected]:SEALABQualityGroup/padre.git
- https: https://github.com/SEALABQualityGroup/padre.git
You can use the code from these repositories to experiment, test, build, and create patches, issue pull requests.
We currently support:
- email: [email protected] (please take care to use [PADRE SUPPORT] as object
- issues on github.com
We provide an example UML project that is a UML model representation of a Botanical Garden Control System (BGCS). It is stored in padre/it.spe.disim.epsilon.antipattern_d-s/model/uml/BGCS/BGCS.uml. It is already filled with performance indices, and it is ready to use for a dummy execution.
Research publications:
- Arcelli, Davide, Vittorio Cortellessa, and Daniele Di Pompeo. "Performance-driven software model refactoring." Information and Software Technology (2017).
- Arcelli, Davide, Vittorio Cortellessa, and Daniele Di Pompeo. "Automated translation among EPSILON languages for performance-driven UML software model refactoring." Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Refactoring. ACM, 2016.
- Arcelli, Davide, Vittorio Cortellessa, and Daniele Di Pompeo. "Towards a Unifying Approach for Performance-Driven Software Model Refactoring." GEMOC+ MPM@ MoDELS. 2015.