This hello world project provides demonstrates how to run C++ applications capable to be run in iExec environment Currently it's possible to run only python processes, that is why your app should be converted into form of shared library and called from python via ctypes. All fork, spawn, exec methods do not work in iexechub/python-scone image from 8/5/2019
Edit and provide your password to avoid entering it each time on line 27 add to the end: 'default="yourpassword",'
Either start in fresh folder, or remove existing iexec json files, you can avoid it and use script with --force option:
rm *.json
After you have built image, you can call python script to publish your app to the chain. You can use it in two modes: a. if you have iexec cli setup on same system just run
python3 deployment/ --image_url "dockerhubtag" --tee [--name "your-app-name"] [--price 5]
b. if you are running iexec cli on different host, than you can use remote mode
python3 deployment/ --mode remote --image_url "sdxkeeper/gva-inference-app:scone-simple-0.0.20" --tee --mrenclave "40b336410d34f107cXXXXXXX161adf435d5b8d84dd4bb2cb1936de44e8b4a2|8c24db06044d73XXXXXf84feb65c83d6|cd12bcf962f626006a1d30620f205d1f6XXXXXX15a67d1f45d3b20398f55d23" [--name "your-app-name"] [--price 5]