Project contains abstraction of pymongo
driver for automatic reconnect on master switch in remote MongoDB cluster. It
also provides data definition layer.
Core of mongo_driver
is the Engine
class, handling queries reconnection with notification to registered reconnect
creates Collection
s by their definitions. Database hooks itself to engine reconnect event, so it can switch
internal state of database's collections instances.
Executor <|-- Engine : implements
Database o-- Executor
Database *-- Collection
Database o-- CollectionDefinition
Collection o-- Executor
CollectionDefinition *-- Index
CollectionDefinition *-- Document
class Executor{
find_one(collection: pymongo.collection.Collection, ...)
other_collection_methods(collection: pymongo.collection.Collection, ...)
class Engine{
+client: MongoClient
-_retry_command(collection, command, ...)
find_one(collection: pymongo.collection.Collection, ...)
other_collection_methods(collection: pymongo.collection.Collection, ...)
class Collection{
+dialect_entity: pymongo.collection.Collection
+engine: Executor
class Document{
+unique_key: Optional[BsonDict]
+data: BsonDict
class CollectionDefinition{
+name: str
+indices: Sequence[Index]
+default_docs: Sequence[Document]
class Index{
+fields: OrderedDictType[str, Union[str, int]]
+name: Optional[str]
+unique: Optional[bool]
field_for_mongo() -> List[Tuple[str, Union[str, int]]]
class Database{
+engine: Executor
+topology: List[types.CollectionDefinition]
-_database: pymongo.database.Database
-_collections: Dict[str, Collection]
invalidate_cache_hook(source: Engine)
get_collection(name: str) -> Collection
extend(*new_definitions: types.CollectionDefinition)
create_all(skip_existing: bool)
ping() -> bool
Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection.
import logging
from mongomancy import Engine, Database, CollectionDefinition, Index
engine = Engine("localhost", 27017)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
db = Database(engine=engine, logger=logger)
game = CollectionDefinition(name="game", indices=[Index(fields={"genre": 1})])
player = CollectionDefinition(name="player", indices=[Index(fields={"player_id": 1}, unique=True)])
db["game"].find({"genre": "adventure"})
You can run tests with coverage tracing:
python -m coverage run -m unittest tests/test_* -v
To generate coverage report:
python -m coverage html
Clone repo and set up your pypi repo account credentials on build for build environment.
Move to package repo:
cd ~/git/mongomancy
Install requirements:
python -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt
Clean old build fragments:
rm -rf ./dist ./build ./mongomancy/mongomancy.egg-info
Build new package:
python -m build
Upload new package:
python -m twine upload dist/*