The purpose of this project is to make tools to automate much of the application packaging process.
The script called "App Creator - Hackathon (Alpha).ps1" is the hackaton project I made for MMS. It is very alpha and will probably fail in most environments. The script AutoPackager.ps1 is a more generalized version that will work in most environments. That script is still being worked on and is not ready to be put in production. Check back here in a week or two for a more complete version.
AutoPackger is still a major work in progress.
To do:
- Collections
- Create collection function
- needs to verify collection doesn't exist
- put collection in correct folder
- Create collection function
- Applications
- Create application function
- verify application doesn't exist
- put application in correct folder
- Distribute application content
- Work off DP name, not just FQDN
- Deploy application to collection
- Create application function
- Hyper-V support