These files inform safe wild-harvest strategies for Litoria raniformis for conservation. These analyses underpin the manuscript "Stochastic population models guide the sustainable wild harvest of a threatened amphibian, Litoria raniformis"
AUTHOR: Rupert Mathwin
CONTACT: [email protected]
INSTITUTION: Flinders University
INSTITUTION: Rupert.Mathwin.Ecology
RELEASE DATE: October 2023
R code accompanies article:
Mathwin, R, Wassens, S, Turner, A, Heard, G, and Bradshaw, CJA Modelling effects of water regulation on the population viability of threatened apmphibians. in review
AIM: Stochastic population models assess the population viability of three contrasting Litoria raniformis populations under different harvest strategies. Harvesting strategies are: harvest as eggs, larvae or adults, and at collection proportions from 0 - 100% in 5% increments.
Repository includes the following files:
- 'matrixOperators.R' — functions to manipulate matrix models
- 'Sustainable_Harvest_Lraniformis_V14.R' — R #code to run all population models and create display items.
- 'Sustainable Harvest GSA V14.R' — R #code to run a global sensitivity analysis of the sustainable harvest model.
- 'startPopsEpsom2.csv' — 10000 burnt-in starting population for the Bendigo Water Reclamation Plant.
- 'startPopsNapNap2.csv' — 10000 burnt-in starting population for Nap Nap wetland.
- 'startPopsHogwash2.csv' — 10000 burnt-in starting population for Hogwash Bend central basin.
- 'wetdryEpsom.csv' — 10000 simulated hydrological centuries expressed as 'wet' and 'dry' sequences. wet = breeding, dry = no breeding. For the Bendigo Water Reclamation Plant models.
- 'wetdryNapNap.csv' — 10000 simulated hydrological centuries expressed as 'wet' and 'dry' sequences. wet = breeding, dry = no breeding. For the Nap Nap wetland models.
- 'wetdryHogwash.csv' — 10000 simulated hydrological centuries expressed as 'wet' and 'dry' sequences. wet = breeding, dry = no breeding. For the Hogwash Bend central basin models.