The reporter generates an html file with all the data, scripts and styles needed to operate embedded into it. The goal behind this is to make the document easily viewable and portable.
The html document itself acts as storage, any test results generated while an existing html report is present will be appended into the existing report. Multiple test results/runs occurring on the same day will be combined
Since the entire history of daily test runs is stored within a single html file, eventually the file size may grow to a size that is larger than desired. The goal of this project is to minimize this as much as possible, while recognizing that unbounded growth will always become very large at some point.
$ mocha -O outputFile=pathToSomeDirectory/report.html --reporter mocha-html-reporter
(string) specifies where the report will be output to, defaults to ./report.html
(string) specifies a reporter to use for formatting command line test results
(boolean) will take a screenshot of each test (if running in a browser)
(boolean) will take a screenshot of failed tests (if running in a browser)
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
development will generate a new report after each code change
There are two portions of the app, the reporter
which is tested via unit tests, and the report
, which is tested via "browser" tests
$ npm run test:unit
$ npm run test:browser