bash cloudybench -t sql -c conf/pg.props -f conf/ddl_cloudybench_pg.sql
bash cloudybench -t gendata -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml
psql -h localhost -U @username -d cloudybench_sf1x -f conf/load_cloudybench_pg.sql
bash cloudybench -t sql -c conf/pg.props -f conf/create_sequence_cloudybench_pg.sql
bash cloudybench -t runReplica -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml -m 1
bash cloudybench -t runElastic -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml -m 1
bash cloudybench -t runFailOver -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml -m 1
bash cloudybench -t runScaling -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml -m 1
bash cloudybench -t runLagTime -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml -m 1
bash cloudybench -t runTenancy -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml -m 3
bash cloudybench -t runAll -c conf/pg.props -f conf/stmt_postgres.toml
RW_endpoint =
RO_endpoint =
metric_url =
(1) Error: Could not find or load main class
Solution: modify the path to lib directory
(2) mvn clean package...Failed to execute goal on project CloudyBench:CloudyBench:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
Solution: when the Maven version is greater than 3.8, you need to remove the tags of blocked mirrors of $Maven_home/conf/settings.xml.
(3) With the OS in Windows, you may use the Java command to run CloudyBench:
Solution: java -cp "CloudyBench-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;lib/*" com.CloudyBench.CloudyBench [-t][-c][-f]