This repository contains the Event and implied Situation Ontology (ESO). This is version 2.0 (stable), which was developed for the NewsReader Project.
The Event and Implied Situation Ontology (ESO.owl), is a manually constructed resource which formalizes the pre-, during-, and post-situations of events and the roles of the entities affected by an event.
The ontology is used to detect information in large natural language document collections that otherwise would have remained implicit.
A situation is seen here as some abstract state where some properties and property values hold. If something happens in the world, there is a change in at least some of the values of these properties. For instance: an event associated with the concept or class eso:Buying will have a two cognitive agents carrying the role of owner-1 and owner-2, some object and some financial asset (usually money). ESO models and infers the following:
- Before the buying event: owner-1 has the object but not the money; owner-2 has the money but not the object.
- During the buying event: there is an exchange of object and money where the money expresses the value of the object.
- After the buying event: owner-1 has the money but not the object; owner-2 has the object but not the money.
Also see the video on YouTube on ESO:
ESO is fully mapped to SUMO on class level and to FrameNet on class and role level. As an input, ESO needs Semantic Role Labeled annotation based on FrameNet. An additional vocabulary with manually created WordNet-FrameNet-ESO mappings is provided too.
If you have PropBank, VerbNet or SemLink annotated data, I refer to the Predicate Matrix, a resource developed by Maddalen Lopez de Lacalle, Egoitz Laparra and German Rigau, IXA Group, Basque University.
ESO is developed for the automotive and financial domain. It contains: 63 event classes; 123 situation rule assertions; 58 properties; 65 roles. Further, 46 SKOS mappings to SUMO classes; 103 SKOS mappings to FrameNet frames and 131 to Frame Elements (roles).
This is ESO version 2 (stable)Documentation.pdf
This is the documentation of the ESO OntologyESO-HumanReadable.pdf
This file contains a transcription of ESO classes and provides examples of the instantiation of the assertions.ESO-Poster.pdf
This file presents a largely visual and concise overview of the ontology and its application on natural language texts.ESO-Vocabulary
This folder contains the manual mappings between FrameNet, WordNet and ESO. It includes a readme.EvaluationCorpus
This folder contains the MeanTime corpus, annotated with ESO classes and roles.
If you use this resource, please cite:
Segers R., M. Rospocher, P. Vossen, E. Laparra, G. Rigau, A. Minard. The Event and Implied Situation Ontology: Application and Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, May 23-28 2016.
roxane.segers (the email symbol)
This work was co-funded by:
- The European Union - FP7 Work Programme Call FP7-ICT-2011-8 – Objective Cooperation – Research theme Information and Communication Technologies, challenge 4.4 - Area Intelligent Information Management –
- Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) via the Spinoza grant, awarded to Piek Vossen in the project Understanding Language by Machines
This repository is an adapted clone of this original repository. Cloned an adapted in April 2018.
Event and Implied Situation Ontology (ESO) by Roxane Segers and Marco Rospocher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at