A facial recognition system utilizing the Haar Caascade facial classifier. The tools provided include everything needed to generate facial data, and complete the automatic training of an individual face.
- python3
- pip
- numpy
- opencv-contrib-python
- pillow
1) Unzip the trainer.zip file (in the trainer folder) into the same directory.
2) Installed the requirements listed above if you haven't already.
3) (If using Windows) using command prompt, navigate to the Haar-Cascade-Facial-Recognition directory.
4) Run the faceial detection app by using the command "py face_detection.py". Keep in mind, your environmental value for "py" may be different.
5) If you wish to train a model, use the "py face_data_generator.py" command and follow the prompt. Afterwards, use "py face_training.py" to generate the model with the data taken previously.
6) To view the results of the model process, simply run the "py face_recognition.py" command.