pynumeric is a Python package to read MSC Radar Numeric data.
The easiest way to install pynumeric is via the Python pip utility:
pip install pynumeric
- Python 3. Works with Python 2.7
- virtualenv
Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during pynumeric installation.
# setup virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 pynumeric
cd pynumeric
source bin/activate
# clone codebase and install
git clone
cd pynumeric
python build
python install
# help
pynumeric --help
# get pynumeric version
pynumeric --version
# get pynumeric GDAL version
pynumeric --gdal-version
# report on a single numeric file
pynumeric report -f </path/to/numeric_file>
# add verbose mode (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG)
pynumeric report -f </path/to/numeric_file> --verbosity=DEBUG
# export a numeric file to GeoTIFF
pynumeric export -f </path/to/numeric_file> -o foo.tif -of GTiff
# export a numeric file to NetCDF
pynumeric export -f </path/to/numeric_file> -o foo.tif -of NetCDF
from pynumeric import Numeric
# read Numeric data
with open('/path/to/file') as ff:
n = Numeric(ff)
for key, value in n.metadata:
print(key, value)
# get the spatial extent
# get the data extent
# read Numeric data using convenience functions
# parse file
s = load('/path/to/numeric_file.dat') # returns Numeric object
# parse data string
with open('/path/to/numeric_file.dat') as ff:
numeric_string =
s = loads(numeric_string) # returns Numeric object
# export to GeoTIFF
# Supported are any of the supported GDAL
# Raster Format Codes (
s.to_grid('myfile.tif', 'GTiff') # creates myfile.tif on disk
pip install requirements-dev.txt
# install dev requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
# run tests like this:
python pynumeric/tests/
# or this:
python test
# measure code coverage like this
coverage run --source=pynumeric -m unittest pynumeric.tests.run_tests
coverage report -m
# or this:
python coverage
python sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*
find . -type f -name "*.py" | xargs flake8
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.