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119 lines (105 loc) · 5.01 KB

This guide contains instructions to upgrade from version v7.3.2 to v7.3.3.

Before you start, don't forget to take a look at general instructions about upgrading. There you can find links to upgrade notes for other versions too.



  • use Environment from DIC parameter in ErrorController (#1389)

    • change your services.yml to inject %kernel.environment% to your Shopsys\ShopBundle\Controller\Front\ErrorController
      +   Shopsys\ShopBundle\Controller\Front\ErrorController:
      +       arguments:
      +           $environment: '%kernel.environment%'
    • change Shopsys\ShopBundle\Controller\Front\ErrorController to use injected environment instead of Environment::getEnvironment(false)
      +   /**
      +    * @var string
      +    */
      +   private $environment;
           * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Error\ExceptionController $exceptionController
           * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Error\ExceptionListener $exceptionListener
           * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Error\ErrorPagesFacade $errorPagesFacade
           * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Domain\Domain $domain
      +    * @param string $environment
          public function __construct(
              ExceptionController $exceptionController,
              ExceptionListener $exceptionListener,
              ErrorPagesFacade $errorPagesFacade,
      -       Domain $domain
      +       Domain $domain,
      +       string $environment
          ) {
              $this->exceptionController = $exceptionController;
              $this->exceptionListener = $exceptionListener;
              $this->errorPagesFacade = $errorPagesFacade;
              $this->domain = $domain;
      +       $this->environment = $environment;
          private function createUnableToResolveDomainResponse(Request $request): Response
                  $url = $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $request->getBasePath();
                  $content = sprintf("You are trying to access an unknown domain '%s'.", $url);
      -           if (EnvironmentType::TEST === Environment::getEnvironment(false)) {
      +           if ($this->environment === EnvironmentType::TEST) {
  • remove unused usages of property ProductData::$price in following tests (#1459)

    • tests/ShopBundle/Functional/Model/Cart/CartItemTest.php
    • tests/ShopBundle/Functional/Model/Cart/CartTest.php
    • tests/ShopBundle/Functional/Model/Cart/Watcher/CartWatcherTest.php
  • exception CartIsEmptyException has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in 9.0 (#1494)

  • update your OrderCest so it is more reliable (#1551)

    +   $me->waitForAjax();
        $orderPage->assertPaymentIsNotSelected('Cash on delivery');
  • fix warnings reported by npm audit #1668

    • update your docker/php-fpm/Dockerfile

        RUN apt-get update && \
          apt-get install -y \
          libpng-dev \
          libjpeg-dev \
          libfreetype6-dev \
          libzip-dev \
          libicu-dev \
          libpq-dev \
      +   fontforge \
          autoconf && \
          apt-get clean
      • Note: if you don't use a docker, you have to install fontforge manually:
    • update your package.json

      - "grunt-spritesmith": "^6.6.2",
      - "grunt-webfont": "^1.7.2",
      + "grunt-spritesmith": "^6.8.0",
      + "grunt-webfont": "",
    • update your src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Grunt/gruntfile.js.twig (you have to do this in two places: webfont: admin and webfont: frontend)

        types: 'eot,woff,ttf,svg',
      - engine: 'node',
        stylesheet: 'less',
        relativeFontPath: '../fonts',
      - fontHeight: '512',
      - descent: '0',
      + fontHeight: 512,
      + descent: 0,
      + normalize: true,
        destHtml: 'docs/generated',

    ** Note: ** Since new version of grunt webfont .svg will not get vertical-align: middle; css definition. On some projects you can see svg icons aligned to top. You can fix this by adding vertical-align for .svg class to your CSS definitions. For example: svg-fix.less

      .svg {
          vertical-align: middle;