Boil the Frog is a Spotify App that will create playlists that gradually take you from one music style to another. It is like the proverbial story of the frog in the pot of water. If you heat the water gradually, the frog won’t notice and will happily sit in the pot until it becomes frog stew. With Boil the Frog you can do the same thing musically. Create a playlist that gradually takes your pre-teen from Miley Cyrus to Miles Davis, or perhaps more perversely the Kenny G fan to Cannibal Corpse.
To use, you must be enrolled in the Spotify Developer program. Download the project and place it in your Spotify apps folder. On a mac this is in ~/Spotify.
Launch it by typing 'spotify:app:boilthefrog' in the Spotify search bar.
Boil the Frog was created during the Music Apps Hack Weekend in February 2012.