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Bootstrap Combogrid

JQuery Combogrid input for Twitter Bootstrap v4.x

For use with Bootstrap v3.x, use the latest v1.x version of the plugin.

Getting Started

In your web page:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/bs-combogrid.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/">
jQuery(function($) {


options is an object with the following keys:

Name Type Default Description
length {Int} 10 Number of rows per page.
emptyMessage {String} 'No results were found' Text shown when a search returns no results.
ajax {Object} {} An settings object just like the one passed to $.ajax().
At least the url parameter is needed.
searchButton {String|boolean} false The CSS selector of the button that triggers the search, or false if no button is used.
Note that pressing Enter always submits the search, regardless of using a search button or not.
onItemSelect {function} See source code A function that is run when the user selects one of the returned results, which only parameter is the selected row data.
By default, it searches in the selected row for a key:value pair whose key matches the input name and sets its value to the input.
tableClass {String} mb-0 table-hover table-sm Extra classes added to the results table.
containerWidth {String|null} null If informed, sets the container's css width to the specified value.


At the root folder, run npm run demo, browse to https://localhost:8080 and try searching some videogame titles and consoles!