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Console RCON Commands

DC-RW edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

To use an RCON command, type / or \ then the command into the in game chat.

E.g. /AdminLogin password12345

** Requires Admin privileges to use

AdminLogin [Password]

Gain admin privileges for the current player.

KickPlayer [SteamId or PlayerName] [Reason (optional)] **

Kick a player from the server using their steam id or player name. Player and still rejoin after this.

BanPlayer [SteamId or PlayerName] [Reason (optional)] **

Kick and ban a player from the server using their steam id or player name. Player will be added to saved ban list and will be blocked from successfully rejoining the server.

UnbanPlayer [SteamId or PlayerName] **

Removes a player from the ban list using their steam id or player name. This allows them to rejoin the server successfully.

ReturnToLobby **

Kicks all players and returns the server to lobby.

ReturnToLobbyWhenEmpty **

Sets the server to return to lobby as soon as the lobby becomes empty instead of using the configured ShutdownIfEmptyFor value.

AdminSay [Message] **

Shows the Message to all players anonymously