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Aurora Tijerina edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 39 revisions


Actual State Overview

Navigation is still in the process of being interconnected to the main engine and the base control unit.


ROS Package dependencies

Navigation diagram


Robot Setup

Setting up transforms

For frame transforms between sensor streams, base frame and odometry we use a URDF robot model powered by the Robot State Publisher package.


Getting a map

We decided to use Hector Slam's mapping package because it can provide a map accurately without the need of odometry.

[WIP] Navigation stack

The robot will run following the ROS navigation stack guide.
At the moment, we have this core transform tree implemented:

Transform diagram

TODO: Goal Set

We still have to set an intermediate node that processes the information sent from the Navigation Action Server and releases the /goal topic.

[WIP] Action Server Algorithm

This is the actual action server algorithm that is being used, it receives a string and looks for its PoseStamped value in a JSON. For more details of the code visit the navigation action code.

Navigation Action Server

def __init__(self, name):
        self._action_name = name
        # Initialize Navigation Action Server
        self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(self._action_name, actionlib_tutorial.msg.navServAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start = False)

Base Control

Short description of the programming module

[Code section title]

    return "they are the same"
    return "they are different"

if(x=y){ return "they are the same" }else{ return "they are different" }

[Code section title]

Additional modifications and improvements

Additional modifications or things to improve.

References/Support links