Current development efforts are being being invested in arcgis-rest-js
. Please consider upgrading.
Node.js bindings for Geoservices.
This module abstracts making both authenticated and anonymous common Geoservices requests and parsing their response.
- Geocoding
- Reverse Geocoding
- Addresses
- Feature Services
- Bulk Geocoding
$ npm install geoservices
var Geoservices = require('geoservices');
var client = new Geoservices();
Geoservices uses grunt
for its build system. To install:
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
To build and run tests, simply run:
$ grunt
Standalone testing can also be run:
$ npm test
- Feature Services allow you to interact with feature geometry and attributes from Esri services
- Geocoding is turning an address or place name into a location. The documentation describes simple geocoding, reverse geocoding and batch geocoding.
Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.
This is an open library for communicating with any service that implements the Geoservices specification. The default endpoint for Geocoding is ArcGIS Online. Please see Terms of Use for licensing and usage details.
- geocoder-arcgis provides a client for just the Geocoding APIs with a promise-based design.