This is an application to facilitate playing with IfcOpenShell and hopefully develop support for IfcAlignment, IfcLinearPlacement, linear referencing, etc..
I have my project setup on in F:\IfcAlignmentDriver
The following environment variables are used in the compiler and linker settings:
= F:\IfcOpenshell_deps\boost_1_79_0$(IFCOPENSHELL_DIR)
= F:\IfcOpenshell
The documentation for the clothoid curve at is lacking. Here are some key things that I figured out.
- u = 1.0 when the slope of the curve is vertical. This is the point at which x starts to decrease.
- The clothoid constant is A = sqrt(Radius x Length)
- The limits of integration are a = 0.0 to b = (distance along curve / Length) x (u at end of curve). u at end of curve is L/(A*sqrt(PI))