This is a todo webapp in which you can manage your todo tasks online
- braincrafted bundle to include twitter bootstrap dependencies
- doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle to load required data
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle for pagination and sorting
Running a household either by yourself or with someone else can sometimes be a bit chaotic and there often is some communication overhead when for example calling your spouse to decide what groceries you need to be pick up when coming back from work. Using a webapp you can simply put in tasks that need to be done and share the list of what remains to be done.
To install this app do the following steps:
git clone [email protected]:Richard-NL/todolist.git
composer install
chmod -R 777 app/logs app/cache
app/console doctrine:database:create
app/console doctrine:schema:create
app/console fixtures:load
OR: If you are running on a *nix machine clone the repository and then run "" on the webserver
- Apache/Nginx
- MySql/MariaDb or Postgresql
For the layout I used the Twig template engine in combination with twitter bootstrap. The layout for the whole app can be found in "src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Resources/views/layout.html.twig".
The templates for managing tasks are as followed:
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Resources/views/Task/list.html.twig (for the overview page of all tasks)
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Resources/views/Task/new.html.twig (for creating a new Task)
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Resources/views/Task/edit.html.twig (for editting an existing Task)
The routes configuration for the whole app can be found in
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Resources/config/routing/tasks.yml
The Task CRUD flow is dealt with in the Task Controller. This class can be found in:
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Controller/TaskController.php
Three entities are used for creating Task entries:
- Task
- Priority
- Status These can be found in the following folder:
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Entity
The form validation of a Task form in done through the Task entity. The validation configuration for this entity can be found in:
- src/Rsh/Bundle/TodolistBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml