Welcome to the Initia Node Setup Guide. here I will try to give tuorial to work on initia node
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- CPU: 4 cores
- Disk: 1 TB SSD
- Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
- Linux amd64 arm64 (Ubuntu LTS release)
sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install curl git jq build-essential gcc unzip wget lz4 -y
cd $HOME && \
ver="1.22.0" && \
wget "https://golang.org/dl/go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
rm "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile && \
source $HOME/.bash_profile && \
go version
git clone https://github.com/initia-labs/initia.git
cd initia
git checkout v0.2.15
make install
initiad version
# Customize if you need
echo 'export MONIKER="My_Node"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export CHAIN_ID="initiation-1"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export WALLET_NAME="wallet"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export RPC_PORT="26657"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
cd $HOME
initiad init $MONIKER --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
initiad config set client chain-id $CHAIN_ID
initiad config set client node tcp://localhost:$RPC_PORT
initiad config set client keyring-backend os # You can set it to "test" so you will not be asked for a password
wget https://initia.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/initiation-1/genesis.json -O $HOME/.initia/config/genesis.json
PEERS="[email protected]:30656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:53456,[email protected]:26313,[email protected]:25756,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:53456,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:19656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:53456,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:53456,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:36656,[email protected]:53456,[email protected]:53456,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656" && \
SEEDS="[email protected]:26656,c28827cb96c14c905b127b92065a3fb4cd77d7f6@testnet-seeds.whispernode.com:25756" && \
sed -i \
-e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = \"$SEEDS\"/" \
-e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" \
sed -i -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"0.15uinit,0.01uusdc\"/" $HOME/.initia/config/app.toml
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/initiad.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Initia Node
ExecStart=$(which initiad) start --home $HOME/.initia
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
sudo systemctl enable initiad && \
sudo systemctl restart initiad && \
sudo journalctl -u initiad -f -o cat
sudo systemctl stop initiad
cp $HOME/.initia/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.initia/priv_validator_state.json.backup
initiad tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.initia --keep-addr-book
PEERS="a63a6f6eae66b5dce57f5c568cdb0a79923a4e18@peer-initia-testnet.trusted-point.com:26628" && \
RPC="https://rpc-initia-testnet.trusted-point.com:443" && \
LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s --max-time 3 --retry 2 --retry-connrefused $RPC/block | jq -r .result.block.header.height) && \
TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s --max-time 3 --retry 2 --retry-connrefused "$RPC/block?height=$TRUST_HEIGHT" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash) && \
if [ -n "$PEERS" ] && [ -n "$RPC" ] && [ -n "$LATEST_HEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$TRUST_HEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$TRUST_HASH" ]; then
sed -i.bak \
-e "/\[statesync\]/,/^\[/{s/\(enable = \).*$/\1true/}" \
-e "/^rpc_servers =/ s|=.*|= \"$RPC,$RPC\"|;" \
-e "/^trust_height =/ s/=.*/= $TRUST_HEIGHT/;" \
-e "/^trust_hash =/ s/=.*/= \"$TRUST_HASH\"/" \
-e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" \
echo -e "\nError: One or more variables are empty. Please try again or change RPC\nExiting...\n"
mv $HOME/.initia/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.initia/data/priv_validator_state.json
sudo systemctl restart initiad && sudo journalctl -u initiad -f -o cat
if node doesn't display like this
2:39PM INF sync any module=statesync msg="Discovering snapshots for 15s" server=node
2:39PM INF Discovered new snapshot format=3 hash="?^��I��\r�=�O�E�?�CQD�6�\x18�F:��\x006�" height=602000 module=statesync server=node
2:39PM INF Discovered new snapshot format=3 hash="%���\x16\x03�T0�v�f�C��5�<TlLb�5��l!�M" height=600000 module=statesync server=node
2:42PM INF VerifyHeader hash=CFC07DAB03CEB02F53273F5BDB6A7C16E6E02535B8A88614800ABA9C705D4AF7 height=602001 module=light server=node
you should use snapshots before you use snapshots, please stop your node
before use snapshots. you need stop your node
sudo systemctl stop initiad.service
cp $HOME/.initia/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.initia/priv_validator_state.json.backup
rm -rf $HOME/.initia/data
curl -L https://snapshots.kzvn.xyz/initia/initiation-1_latest.tar.lz4 | tar -Ilz4 -xf - -C $HOME/.initia
mv $HOME/.initia/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.initia/data/priv_validator_state.json
wait to finish
sudo systemctl restart initiad.service && sudo journalctl -u initiad.service -f --no-hostname -o cat
initiad keys add wallet
-> FAUCET <-
initiad status | jq -r .sync_info
initiad q bank balances $(initiad keys show $WALLET_NAME -a)
initiad tx mstaking create-validator \
--amount 1000000uinit \
--pubkey $(initiad tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker "YOUR_MONIKER_NAME" \
--identity "YOUR_KEYBASE_ID" \
--details "YOUR_DETAILS" \
--website "YOUR_WEBSITE_URL" \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--commission-max-rate 0.20 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.05 \
--from wallet \
--gas=2000000 --fees=300000uinit \
--node https://rpc.dinhcongtac221.fun/ \
P.S. if you don't have keybase you can create with following this guide keybaseguide