This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- See hover states for interactive elements
📱 Mobile
🖥️ Desktop
I did not take screenshots of the hover states just not to mix all three hover changes into an image. I find it easier to notice the differences on the live site.
- Solution URL: Github
- Live Site URL: Github Page
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- Mobile-first workflow
This challenge was fairly easy and I used it mostly to polish my SASS skills. I don't think I have learnt anything specific, but it helped me getting a bit more fluent using this preprocessor.
Now that I feel comfortable using the most basic features of SASS I am thinking of moving up in complexity. That is, functions and conditionals in SASS, for instance. Things that I have read and understood, but I have yet to put into practice.
- CSS Tricks - I think I have used this link in every single one of my projects so far. A really good guide to flexbox.
- SASS Documentation - This is probably one of the most interesting things I have learnt in this project, the functions
- Frontend Mentor - @reykjabik
- Twitter - @reykjabik