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v4.7.2 STABLE

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@RensTillmann RensTillmann released this 18 Jun 18:53
· 809 commits to master since this release

Jun 18, 2019 - Version 4.7.2

  • Fix issue with email settings translation string escaping HTML resulting in raw HTML emails
  • Fix $functions undefined (for none bundle super forms)

Jun 15, 2019 - Version 4.7.0

  • Compliance: Working towards Envato WordPress Requirements Badge/Compliance
    • Calculator Add-on: now using MathJS library for improved security when doing calculations
    • Passed all JavaScript files through JShint excluding third party libraries3
    • Escaping all Translatable strings
  • Added: Missing Font Awesome 5 brand icons & updated Font Awesome to v5.9
  • Added: Option to define a so called specifier to position the counter for Email Labels when using Dynamic Columns, example:
    • Product %d quantity: would be converted into Product 3 quantity:
    • Product %d price: would be converted into Product 3 price:
  • Added: Compatibility for TinyMCE Visual editor to count words with Calculator Add-on
  • Added: Option to specify field type for "Text" fields, allowing to determine what "Keyboard Layout" it should use on mobile devices. To name a few:
    • email (for email keyboard layout)
    • tel (for phone number keyboard layout)
    • url (for URL keyboard layout)
    • number (for number keyboard layout)
    • date (for keyboard layout to choose a specific date
    • month (for keyboard layout to choose a specific month)
  • Added: A custom Ajax handler for faster Ajax requests (significant speed improvement for building/editing forms)
  • Added: Translation feature (allows you to translate your form into multiple languages, this also includes translating specific form settings)
    when in translation mode, you won't be able to delete and change the layout of the form, just the strings of each element and the form settings
  • Added: Compatibility for HTML elements to handle {tags} with regexes * (contains), $ (ends with) and ^ (starts with)
  • Improved: Custom ajax handler compatible with older WP versions (tested up to v4.7)
  • Improved: Mailchimp error debugging and other small improvements
  • Improved: Speed improvement upon page load, now skipping calculator elements of which the value didn't yet change, so no need to loop through any elements connected to this field
  • Improved: Currency field will now have field type set to tel for phonenumber keyboard layout to enter numbers easily on mobile devices
  • Fix: Text field with variable condition should not be reset/applied upon submitting form due to possible custom user input
  • Fix: CSV Attachment Add-on not applying correct delimiter from settings
  • Fix: issue with new ajax handler stripping slashes (it shouldn't be doing this) was resulting in issues with HTML element and line breaks
  • Fix: PHP notice about undefined variables
  • Fix: Issue with autosuggest keywords on mobile phone when autofill is applied by the browser, it would not validate the field correctly
  • Fix: Issue with new ajax handler not working in combination with active WC installation
  • Fix: Signature attachment not being a valid bitmap file when sending email over SMTP
  • Fix: Bug fix conditional logic when setting $_GET on radio buttons
  • Fix: Radio buttons not responsding to predefined $_GET or $_POST parameters
  • Fix: When doing custom POST and "Enable custom parameter string for POST method" is enabled file URL's where not parsed as data
  • Fix: Bug in Ajax handler, make sure to not load external unrequired plugins, because they might depend on functions that we didn't load
  • Fix: Compatibility for Ajax handler with Multisites
  • Fix: reCAPTCHA v2 bug
  • Fix: HTML element in back-end not wrapping words
  • Fix: Calculator add-on not working when using both regex and advanced tags like so: {_option$;3} or {server_*;4} or {server_^;2} etc.