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Alicloud utilities

Brian Wandell edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 6 revisions

Alibaba compute resources are managed by the Resource Orchestration Services (ROS) and ossutil commands. Please see Alicloud setup for installation instructions.

Starting a k8s cluster

The Matlab commands to start up a cluster on the Alicloud are

% Create a Kubernetes cluster using a template. 
alicloud = acloud;
StackName = 'ros-name';           % Name of the cluster you are creating
MasterType = 'ecs.n1.medium';     % The options can be found in the kube_3master.json template
WorkerType = MasterType;          % Match the workers to the master or use another type
NumberWorkerNodes = '2';          % A string, though we are planning to make it a number
Password   = 'yourPassword';      % Password you use to 
[result, status, masterIp, cmd] = alicloud.k8sCreate(StackName, MasterType, ... 

% copy kube config file from alicloud master machine to local machine.
cmd = sprintf('scp root@%s:/etc/kubernetes/kube.conf $HOME/.kube/config',masterIp);

Running a docker image (PBRT-V2-Spectral)

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