Repositorios para guardar exemplos
- Basic Addition
- Examples
- println
- printf
- display shapes
- value of characters
- Arithmetic
- sum, product, difference and quotient
- if cases with smallest and largest value
- odd and even numbers
- numbers multiples
- Arithmetic2
- product of three integers
- average of the three integers
- prefix and postfix increment operators example
- Table of Squares and Cubers
- basic, from 0 to 10
- Body Mass Index Calculator
- ControleFluxo
- Calculate tax
- Using if, else and for loop
- Java JFrame
- JOptionPane
- DrawPanel
- java.awt.Graphics
- javax.swing.JPanel
- javax.swing.JFrame
- paintComponent
- getWidth / getHeight
- TestClass
- Account
- AccountTest
- double (floating-point)
- HeartRate
- HeartRateTest
- private modifier
- get and set methods
- input.nextLine()
- Inheritance
- Abstract class
- Down Cast
- instanceof - Reflection
- getClass().getName()
- class implemented
- interface
- Craps game
- Roll dice
- Enumerable class