NOTE: This repository does not contain updated code. See the smart-contracts-mock repository for the updated code.
Run the following command to setup the project:
git clone
cd smart-contracts
npm i
touch .env
Insert your private keys inside the .env file, in a variable called PRIVATE_KEY_LENDER and a variable called PRIVATE_KEY_BORROWER (must be 2 different private keys) (See here for tutorial on how to export private key from metamask:
Fund the address related with the private key here:
Inside the root directory, run the following command:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
You should see the following output
To run the tests run the following command. Add tests to the test directory.
npx hardhat test --network hardhat
Finish implementing the Escrow contractCheck why Zondax API does not workTest all API interactions- Write automated tests inside "test" directory (