Allows C# programs to run in Macroquest via Mono (32bit or 64bit)
For instructions on how to build C# programs using it, review the E3Next Project and its Core.cs and Template project for specific details.
Live = 64bit
EMU (Emulation) = 32bit
Quick start instructions to get users up and going
/plugin MQ2Mono
list, version, unload, stop, load, run, start,
/mono list
/mono load e3
/mono e3
/mono unload e3
The TLO method Query allows you to send an OnQuery command to a Mono application running. Its up to that application on how it will respond, but it will be in a string format. You specify the application as the 1st param. Its the same name as the primary *.dll you loaded on
/mono load <applicationname>
/mono <applicationname>
/echo ${MQ2Mono}
/echo ${MQ2Mono.Query[e3,InCombat]}
/echo ${MQ2Mono.Query[e3,E3Bots(Necro01).Query(ShowClass)]}
- Place the Directory: Ensure that you place the directory in the Macroquest/plugins folder. Do not place it in Macroquest/src/plugins.
- Add the Plugin: Add the plugin to your 'macroquest' solution.
- Build MQ2Mono: Compile the MQ2Mono component.
- Copy the DLL: Copy the mono-2.0-sgen.dll (32bit/64bit) file into the appropriate build directory.
This will be either build/bin/release/ or build/bin/debug/, depending on your build configuration.
Make sure the macroquest.exe is present in the directory.
Rekka - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.