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Reishi edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 15 revisions


This page will not show you how to use all the commands listed, for that please use the /help command in the bot instead


This page is still a work in progress. Some stuff may be outdated or missing

Current commands

Command Description
/avatar Returns the avatar of a selected user in either the .png or .gif format (if their avatar is animated)
/player-config Allows you to configure the music player to your liking
/starboard-config Allows you to configure the starboard feature
/picture Sends a cute picture of an animal selected from the list
/ping Checks the current delay of the bot
/welcome Re-sends the bot's welcome message in a channel or for the user only

Music-related commands

Command Description Notes
/play Plays a song in a channel by its URL or search query By default supports Youtube and Soundcloud links.
How to add Spotify support
/pause Toggles player's playback (resumes if already paused and pauses if currently playing -
/skip Skips the currently playing song or invokes a vote to skip the song This feature can be configured with /config
/skipto Skips to a specified song in the queue (by its position in the queue) The bot will suggest songs to skip to
/disconnect Disconnects the bot from the channel and clears the queue -
/loop Toggles looping, in order NONE, TRACK, and QUEUE The now playing message has a button for this
/nowplaying Resends the now-playing message and deletes the old one -
/queue Shows the current queue -
/shuffle Shuffles the queue -
/seek Seeks to a specified timestamp (in HH:MM:SS format) or by X seconds -
/save Saves the currently playing song to DMs with the bot -
/remove Removes a song (or multiple songs) from the queue -
/queue-history Displays the queue history for a session that ended ⚠️ Currently disabled!

Playlist management commands


These commands are currently disabled. They will be re-enabled once they're fixed.

Command Description Notes
/playlist add Adds a new playlist to the saved playlists via its URL You can have up to 25 playlists saved and they are transferred between servers
/playlist load Loads a playlist and adds it to the music player's queue You must be in a voice channel to use this
/playlist remove Removes a playlist from the saved playlists -