Clone the repo
Navigate to the system directory and run Maven with the package
goal. This will copy the OpenTelemetry Java Agent in to your server config:
cd system
mvn package
Start the server:
mvn liberty:run
Without changes, the java agent will be collecting and exporting them to zipkin. You can change the service names and exporters etc... in the jvm.options
Navigate to the system endpoint:
In a spearate terminal, navigate to the inventory directory and start the server
cd inventory
mvn liberty:run
Traces are collected with automatic instrumentation.
Navigate to the inventory endpoint:
You should see the automatically created spans in the exporter endpoint.
Manual instrumentation will be enabled if you uncomment the following:
- InventoryResource class imports
- InventoryResource Tracer injection
- InventoryResource Span creation
- InventoryResource end Span
- InventoryManager class import
- InventoryManager WithSpan annotation
- InventoryManager WithSpan annotation
Navigate to the inventory endpoint:
You should see the manually created spans in the exporter endpoint.