- Pull 1388 CompositeException stops mutating nested Exceptions
- Pull 1387 Upgrade to JMH 0.9
- Pull 1297 [RxScala] rxjava-scalaz: providing some type class instances
- Pull 1332 IOSSchedulers for RoboVM
- Pull 1380 Variety of Fixes
- Pull 1379 Parallel Operator Rewrite
- Pull 1378 BugFix: Pivot Concurrency
- Pull 1376 Revision of JMH Tests
- Pull 1375 RxScala: Add idiomatic toXXX methods
- Pull 1367 Fix the bug that 'flatMap' swallows OnErrorNotImplementedException
- Pull 1374 Fix head/tail false sharing issues
- Pull 1369 DebugHook got miswired before
- Pull 1361 Fix a race condition if queued actions have been handled already
- Pull 1336 RxScala: Add the rest missing methods to BlockingObservable
- Pull 1362 RxScala: Fix #1340 and #1343
- Pull 1359 Fixed padding of the integer and node classes
Artifacts: Maven Central