literal : in clause, with sign.
variable : without sign.
- Pick a unassigned variable by VSIDS value, assigned it a value. Decay the VSIDS value.
- Do BCP.
- If BCP return -1, then UNSAT.
- Return SAT if all clauses are satisfy(only need to check the literal we watching). Otherwise repeat 1 with depth+1.
- Pick a variable we'll decide/deduce.
- As this variable assigned a value, consider those clauses which contain this literal and got a value 0, discuss with four case.
- If case 2, then we deduce a new variable. If case 4, do FirstUIP with the conflict clause and return.
- While we have some deduced variable repeat 1.
- four_case
- Since we use 2-literal watching, when a literal we watched be assigned and get value 0, then in this clause there are 4 case :
- There is a literal which is not value 0 and not be watched, then we watch it. (case 1)
- All other literals are assigned and value 0 except another literal we're watching, then we deduce what value it'll get. (case 2)
- All other literals are assigned and value 0, and another literal we're watching has value 1, then this clause has value 1, nothing to do. (case 3)
- All other literals are assigned and value 0, and another literal we're watching has value 0, then all literals in this clause are value 0, conflict. (case 4)
- Since we use 2-literal watching, when a literal we watched be assigned and get value 0, then in this clause there are 4 case :
- FirstUIP
- While the conflict clause contain one more variable which assigned value in current depth, resolve(conflict,antecedent[variable]).Then it's a new clause we'll learned.
- Add new clause into our clauses.
- add_new_clause
- If new clause has only one literal, the add it into our database(single literal), we need to fixed it's value.
- Otherwise we find the second deepest depth in all assigned literal in this new clause, and backtracking to the depth(non-chronological backtracking).
- resolve_clauses
- (x'+F)(x+G)==(resolve on x)==> (F+G)
- tidy_up_clause
- Sort literal by absolute value
- If it contain x and x' simultaneously, then this clause always true, delete it.
- Delete the repeat literal.
- Count appearance frequency of each literal as it's vsids value.
- antecedent
- Record what clause deduce the variable, so the variables we decide do not have antecedent.
Two mechanism :
- VSIDS value decay : Every 50 times conflicts we encounter, devide all VSIDS value by a decay constant.
- Restart : Every 200 times conflicts we encounter, restart.
The benchmarks are this code can pass, the code still has some bugs(?).
Some idea:
- We can elimate those fixed variable, right? If we fixed x=1, then all clauses contain x can be deleted(always true), and all clauses contains x' can takeout this literal.
- How to deal with large clauses?(containing k more literal) Ignore it?