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Lightweight JavaScript microlibrary, just about 300 lines (5KB), it allows to organize URL identification and routing in your app.


##Example Adding a new route is carried out via add. For example, you need to create a routing table for the following structure:

|~index ('/')
| |~posts ('/posts') // smth async
| | |-showPost ('/:id')
| | |-newPost ('/new')
| | |-editPost ('/edit')
| |~about ('/about/:id')

In this case the description of your router will look as follows:

var posts = 'posts';
var showPost = '/:id';
var newPost = '/new';
var editPost = '/edit'
var about = 'about/:id';

	.add(about, function(params) { // ~about ('/about/:id')
		// todo your code
	.add(posts, function(params, complete) { // ~posts ('/posts')
		// todo your code
		complete(); // do it by async way 
	.add(function(){ // default route  for ~index ('/')
		// todo default code
	.add(showPost, function (params){
	// todo your code
	.add(newPost, function (params){
	// todo your code
	.add(editPost, function (params){
	// todo your code

Note that the record gets structured by routing levels, and the transition between levels is executed via a method named to.

You may make any callback method asynchronous or add rollback functionality to it.

It's also possible to move a part of the configuration code to component files, if necessary.

Depending on conditions, you might need to register only one callback method, for example, for the URL posts/new. It's easy, and it's enough to register this record before the registration of the basic record:

	.add(about, function(params) { // ~about ('/about/:id')
		// todo your code
	.add(posts + newPost, function(params) { // only one callback for full URL
		// todo your code
	.add(posts, function(params, complete) { // ~posts ('/posts')
		// todo your code
		complete(); // do it by async way 
	.add(function(){ // default route  for ~index ('/')
		// todo default code
	.add(showPost, function (params){
	// todo your code
	.add(editPost, function (params){
	// todo your code

##Docs ###levels Embedded routers that belong to one parent (basic) node, are called levels, and in the general case the routing table of your app has the form of a tree, for example:

|~index ('/')
| |~posts ('/posts')
| | |-showPost ('/:id')
| | |-newPost ('/new')
| | |-editPost ('/edit')
| |~about ('/about/:id')

You may check the way this tree is described in the example.

###listen In order to launch the router for monitoring a route in a browser, you only have to execute a method named listen:


Note that this method is present only on the basic level of the router; this means you will not be able to create an embedded level and launch it for monitoring. It's made to avoid any confusion.

###config Configures the current level of the router. Upon creating a sublevel with the help of to, the settings of the embedded level are inherited automatically.

var configuration = {
	keys: true,
	mode: 'hash',
	rerouting: false,
	root: '/'


The following settings are available:

  • keys - option that allows to change the means of transmitting parameters to the callback function between angular style - true and backbone style - false. This means, in the first case all parameters are transmitted, being packed in a single object, including query string; the keys of the object are parameters of path. For example, when registering path as docs/:id/paragraph/:number, the following URL: docs/15/paragraph/16.html?lang=rus by keys: true will restore the following object as the first parameter of the callback function:

{ id: '15', number: '16.html' query: { lang: 'rus' } }

In case of `keys: false`, `id`, `number` and `query` are transmitted as 3 parameters to the callback function respectively.

* <a name="mode"></a>**mode** - possible values:`node`, `hash` and `history`. `hash` and `history` are browser modes. `node` is a service mode, and a response of the router happens upon transmitting a URL line in the [route](#route) method. The default value is `hash`.
* <a name="rerouting"></a>**rerouting** - can take values **true** or **false**. In the first case, when you change the URL, there is a call of callbacks on all levels; in case of `rerouting: false` only embedded callbacks with changed URL fire; this means, for example, if the URL `customers/:customerID/users/:userID/docs/:docID/` is changed to `customers/:customerID/users/:userID/profile/`, only the callback `profile` will fire, while basic callbacks on `customers/:customerID` and `/users/:userID` will not be called.
* <a name="root"></a>**root** - this option works only for the upper level of routing and allows to set the basic URL.

###<a name="drop"></a>drop
Resets the settings and routing table for the current level; all lower levels will be reset automatically. This means, by resetting the basic level you reset the whole router.


###route Switches the router to a new URL, calling the registered callback methods to execution.


This method consists of a sequence navigate and check.

In case of mode: 'node' first fires check, then navigate.

Note that this method is present only in the basic level of the router.

###getCurrent Restores the current URL of the router.

var url = Router.getCurrent();

Note that this method is present only in the basic level of the router.

###check Calls the callback methods that are registered for this URL without changing router location.


###navigate Calls a change of router location without firing callback methods.


Note that this method is present only in the basic level of the router.

###add Adding routes is as follows:

// base level
	.add('docs/:id', callback1, options)
	.add('about', callback2)
// sublevel'posts') // route or alias
	.add('/:id', callback3)
	.add('/new', callback4)
	.add('/edit', callback5);

Description of routing table levels always comes downwards; this means you have to describe the parent level for adding a sublevel.

In order to add a route as a sublevel, you have to move to a new level using to.

Note that in basic-level routes (in cases of using history API) it's better not to use / at the beginning of the route.

Adding a route generally looks like this:

Router.add(path, callback, options);


  • path - routing path; its semantics fully coincides with the route description in Backbone.js. You may describe just like in backbone.js (the only difference is how parameters and query string are transmitted to the callback function):

Routes can contain parameter parts, :param, which match a single URL component between slashes; and splat parts *splat, which can match any number of URL components. Part of a route can be made optional by putting it in parentheses (/:optional).

For example, route "search/:query/p:page" will match a fragment of #search/obama/p2, passing "obama" and "2" to action. Whether parameters must be packed in a single object for the transmission, depends on the router settings, see config.

Route "file/*path" will match #file/nested/folder/file.txt, passing "nested/folder/file.txt" to action as single parameter.

Route "docs/:section(/:subsection)" will match #docs/faq and #docs/faq/installing, passing "faq" to the action in the first case, and passing "faq" and "installing" to the action in the second.

Trailing slashes are treated as a part of the URL, and (correctly) treated as a unique route when accessed. docs and docs/ will fire different callbacks. If you can't avoid generating both types of URLs, you can define a "docs(/)" matcher to capture both cases.


Note that in some cases you cannot describe embedded routings, because it's not always clear how the routing table must behave. For example:

.add('/about', function () {
    // unreachable route
  • callback function - function that will be called by a certain URL. Parameters of URL and query string are taken as parameters. The means of transmission depends on config, that is, whether they will be transmitted as a single object with keys according to the parameters names, or as a sequence of parameters (query string in this case is always transmitted as the last parameter). You may also set the controlling function complete as one of the parameters of the callback function - in this case the router will execute the routing of this record asynchronously (see complete).
  • options - is an object that may contain 2 attributes: alias: sting and async: integer. alias is for deleting the record from the routing table and grouping. async is a service parameter for designation of the ordinal number of the controlling function complete in the parameters by dependency injection. Used by minimization of the source data of a project, because names of variables are lost in the process.

Note that the same alias can be added to any number of records. That's why, deleting it from the table, you will delete all records with this particular alias, see remove.

For example, a full record may look like this:

	.add('docs/:id', function (param, complete){
		// todo
	}, {alias: 'docs', async: 1}).
	add('docs/new', function (param) {
	}, {alias: 'docs'});

In this case parameters (id and query string, if they are packed as one object) will be transmitted as 1 parameter of callback functions, complete as the second parameter of the first callback. If you delete alias: 'docs', the whole group will be deleted as well.

###default route There is an option of adding default route for any routing level. To do that, you only need to add a callback function without the first parameter.

Roure.add(callback, options);

This callback will always fire unless there is a coincidence with the previously registered routes.

Note: default route must be added as the last route on the level, because all the routes that will be added afterwards, will not be processed. Besides, if you don't write a path for default route, neither parameters nor query string proceed to the callback.

###to Moves to the embedded level of the router; if it was not registered, then creates it and restores the subrouter for the basic path.

var sectionRouter = Router
    .add('/about', function () {
        // unreachable route

The number of embedded levels of routing is unlimited. If you call to once, you create a singleton of the subrouter, and further on, for example, in other fiels, you can register subpaths with to.

###remove Removes a record in the routing table:


As a parameter you may transmit path, alias, or callback; the corresponding record will be removed from the table.

Note that the removal happens downwards the routing levels. Removal with alias will delete the whole group that is registered on it.

### complete function The router can work with asynchronous functionality in callback functions, in order for embedded callbacks to fire after the response of the basic callback. For this purpose you must name complete as one of the parameters, and after the execution of the asynchronous code you must call it. In this case, if you add a record to the routing table, the router will know the asynchrony, and the embedded routers will be executed only after you call complete();

Route.add(path, function (complete){
	// your code
}, options)

It's possible to transmit false as a parameter; in this case will fire an automatic rollback on the URL, from which you move; further embedded callbacks will not be called. If everything is correct, you will not have to transmit any parameters complete();.

If you minificate your code, you have to consider that both minificator and obfuscator, as a rule, change their names, and in this case you need to indicate the parameter number of complete in options (see options), because dependency injection is based on the name of complete.

###rollback Rollback functionality allows to restore the URL to the state that was before the transmission, without executing callback methods for the previous URL.

Basically, rollback functionality consists of two parts: changing the URL of the browser and stopping the embedded callbacks. In order to use rollback in the case of synchronous execution, you need to restore false from the callback function. In case of asynchronous execution you need to transfer false in complete(false).

If you call rollback by the first fire of the router, then as a URL, the router will move to an empty line '', and if default route is registered, then will move to it afterwards.


Are you looking for solution for Async/Sync nested routing?






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