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Avinash H. Duduskar edited this page May 16, 2024
44 revisions
- Check command :
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "sudo pacman -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Check command :
- Update command :
kgx -e '/bin/sh -c "sudo pacman -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read _" '
- Check command :
pamac checkupdates -aq
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "pamac-manager --updates"
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/paru -Qua"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "paru; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Update command (with terminator) :
terminator -e 'paru; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read '
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "(/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/yaourt -Qu -a | cut -c 5-) | sort -u -t' ' -k1,1"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "yaourt -Syua ; yaourt -C ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/pacaur -Qqu -a"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "pacaur -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Update command (with terminator) :
terminator -e 'pacaur -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read '
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/aurman -Qqu"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "aurman -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Update command (with terminator) :
terminator -e 'aurman -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read'
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/trizen -Qqu -a"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "trizen -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Update command (with terminator) :
terminator -e 'trizen -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read'
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "(/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/yay -Qu --color never | sed 's/Get .*//') | sort -u -t' ' -k1,1"
- Update command for Gnome < 42 :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "yay ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Update command for Gnome >= 42 :
kgx -e '/bin/sh -c "yay ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"'
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/pikaur -Qqua 2>/dev/null"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- sh -c "pikaur -Syu ; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read"
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/aur repo -d customrepo --upgrades"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -- bash -c "sudo pacman -Syu && aur sync -d customrepo $(paclist aurpkgs | awk '{print $1}'); echo Done - Press enter to exit; read _"
- Check command :
/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/checkupdates; /usr/bin/flatpak remote-ls --columns=application -a --updates"
- Update command :
gnome-terminal -e 'sh -c "sudo pacman -Syu; flatpak update; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read" '
To auto refresh the flatpak check after an update an empty file with user permissions can be used in the pacman local directory path. I.e gnome-terminal -e 'sh -c "sudo pacman -Syu; flatpak update; touch /var/lib/pacman/local/flatpak-arch-update; echo Done - Press enter to exit; read" '
- Check update command -
/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/dnf check-update --refresh -yq | tail -n +2 | grep -E 'x86_64|i686|noarch' | awk '{print $1}'"
- Update command -
/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -e "sudo dnf upgrade"
- Open Package Manager -
gnome-software --mode updates
Single command to load settings:
dconf load /org/gnome/shell/extensions/ << EOF
check-cmd="/bin/bash -c \"/usr/bin/dnf check-update --refresh -yq | tail -n +2 | grep -E 'x86_64|i686|noarch' | awk '{print $1}' ; /usr/bin/flatpak remote-ls --columns=application -a --updates\""
package-manager='gnome-software --mode updates'
update-cmd='/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -e "sudo dnf upgrade ; /usr/bin/flatpak update; sleep 10" '
To be completed (help wanted)