The application is now hosted by Heroku! It is accessible here :
This is our M1 ALMA project for the module "Analyse, Conception et Mise en Oeuvre de Logiciels".
: This application requires an internet connection, Java 8.0, Maven 3.5 and NPM 6.4.
DISCLAIMER: For reasons beyond our control, the application does not work using the university of Nantes network. It seems that the access to the database hosting service (mLab) is blocked.
Server installation
: Open a console on MHServer and run "mvn clean install". You can then start it by running "mvn spring-boot:run". Open your browser on "localhost:8080" to play the game.
The design folder contains UML class diagrams of the architecture of the server.
The analyseStatique folder contains the result of the PMD analysis.