FileMan is YottaDB management utility developed as part of the Vista Project
This repo allows the provision of a development environment through docker that gives you everything that you need to develop with Rust, YottaDB and FileMan
The sandbox environment is an immutable environment with no persistent code base or database. To provision:
git clone
cd YottaDB-Rust/sandbox
docker-compose up
The dev environment differs from sandbox in that the code base and database is persistent. To provision:
First clone the YDBRust repo
git clone
Then clone this repo
git clone
Set the persistent YottaDB and Rust paths
export yottadatadir="/path/to/YottaDB"
export rustcode="/path/to/YDBRust"
export glbviewadd=""
Where glbviewadd is the network address of the Docker server
Provision the stack:
cd YottaDB-Rust/dev
docker-compose up
Navigate to http://ipofdockerserver:3002/#/home/yottadb-settings/Yottadb.theia-workspace
Open a compilation window:
Terminal -> Run Task -> YottaDB Compiler -> Continue without scanning the task output
Open the say_hello_rust example:
File -> Open -> examples ->
This example sets the global entry ^hello("Rust") to こんにちは.
Change the こんにちは entries to something else i.e. "Yotta"
Save the file
The compilation window should then show the compilation and execution of the code (note the first execution takes time as the dependancies will need to be built)
Once Running target/debug/examples/say_hello_rust
has appeared in the compilation window the code has compiled and run
Open a YottaDB environment window:
**Terminal** -> **Run Task** -> **YDB** -> **Continue without scanning the task output**
In the new window, enter:
D ^%G
Output device: <terminal>:
List ^hello
The ^hello("Rust") global/subscript entry should now display as Yotta as above.
Create a file in the src folder:
**File** -> **Open** -> **src**
**File** -> **New File**
Add the example Hello World Code:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Save the file
Run the Rust compiler:
**Terminal** -> **Run Task** -> **Rust Compiler** -> **Continue without scanning the task output**
Run the Rust code:
**Terminal** -> **Run Task** -> **Rust Run** -> **Continue without scanning the task output**
Hello, world! should appear at the bottom of the Rust Run window
**Terminal** -> **Run Task** -> **FileMan** -> **Continue without scanning the task output**
Documentation relating to FileMan is available in the docs directory:
Access to the global viewer via the web UI can be attained via the address:
NOTE - The global viewer is only accessible via the dev environment.
This repo contains ssh keys for demonstation/sandpit purposes only. For a production environment, please set up new, none source controlled keys.