This application allows you to create group, and then let each member draw other member. Why? For christmas gifting. Hence the name.
You can try it here: santa2020 (it's hosted on heroku so first visit might take a while to load).
It's very minimalistic, there are 3 screens. When you enter the applictaion, you see screen responsible for creating group. There, you specify usernames, and optionally provide keys (increasing security).
After that, you are redirected to the overview screen, where you see all member, and they keys (if you enabled secure mode). You will also get there a link, that you should send to group members.
Upon this link you will see prompt, asking your name (and optionally your key), after providing those you will be able to click "draw" button, and see who you drafted.
If you are using linux (bash), you can clone repository, and
This will create python virtual environment, and install dependencies from requirements.txt file.
You can do this manually, by creating environment in app/venv folder:
python3 -m venv app/venv
then activating venv:
source app/venv/bin/activate
then installing pip modules:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you are ready to launch app:
flask run
To run application in docker, just use
docker compose up
Everything should work out of the box.
To initalize database run following scripts:
python db init
python db migrate
python db upgrade
In docker:
docker exec -it python_app_web python db init
docker exec -it python_app_web python db migrate
docker exec -it python_app_web python db upgrade
In process of development of this app (which was very short btw), I used following technologies:
- python3 with Flask
- SQLAlchemy with PostgreSQL (and Sqlite3 in development)
- HTML (jinja2 was used to handle SSR)
- CSS (with Bootstrap)
- Javascript (vanilla)