Pkl — pronounced Pickle — is an embeddable configuration language which provides rich support for data templating and validation.
These packages are C# bindings to pkl to provide a native way to interact with pkl files.
The below table describes how Pkl types are mapped into C# types.
Pkl type | C# type |
Null | null |
Boolean | bool |
String | string |
Int | long |
Int8 | sbyte |
Int16 | short |
Int32 | int |
UInt | ulong |
UInt8 | byte |
UInt16 | ushort |
UInt32 | uint |
Float | float |
Number | double |
List | T[] |
Listing | T[] |
Map<K, V> | Dictionary<K, V> |
Mapping<K, V> | Dictionary<K, V> |
Set | HashSet<T> |
Pair<A, B> | (A, B) |
Dynamic | dynamic |
DataSize | Pkl.PklTypes.DataSize |
Duration | Pkl.PklTypes.Duration |
IntSeq | Pkl.PklTypes.IntSeq |
Class | Pkl.PklTypes.Class [1] |
TypeAlias | Pkl.PklTypes.TypeAlias [1] |
Any | dynamic |
Unions (A|B|C) | dynamic [2] |
Regex | Regex |
only exist for compatibilty purposes because they are possible Pkl runtime values.
[2] If all types within a union are mapped to the same C# type, it can be decoded to that specific type instead of
. For example, a union of"error" | "warning"
can be decoded tostring
, whereas a union ofString | Int
would need to be decoded todynamic