This stores all dumped and pre-processed Dragalia Lost assets.
These assets will be further parsed and processed by dragalia-data-parse for the use of DL info website.
Push the new data. The commit message should follow the naming convention below.
Add a tag for the commit (for easier access & searching). The tag name should follow the naming convention below.
Commits should be named in the following format:
2020/11/23 12:00 AM - 08NV7KO9YyXMIlB2
Tags should be named in the following format:
Note that the timezones for all the timestamps should be UTC +8 (Taipei Standard Time).
For pipeline, monitor the tag added/updated event instead, because it is possible that there are some commits for updating another non-asset files. For example, update for the, which creates a commit but will not create a tag.