This project is a frontend implementation developed for a Geographic Information System (GIS) course's final assignment, using HTML and CSS. It employs modern layout techniques like grid and flexbox, incorporating key components such as a navbar, forms, and responsive design.
- Navbar: Utilizes a responsive navigation bar with links to different sections of the website (HOME, OUR FAMILY, CONTACT US, and JOIN US).
- Grid & Flexbox: Implements CSS grid and flexbox layouts for responsive design and structured content organization.
- Features a header showcasing GIS intake information.
- Includes a welcoming section introducing the purpose of the website.
- Presents key members of the GIS department with links to their LinkedIn profiles.
- Each member is displayed within a responsive grid layout.
- Provides a form for users to submit inquiries or messages directly via email.
- Displays general contact information for reference.
- Offers a form for potential members to submit their details for joining the GIS program.
- Collects personal information such as name, email, gender, occupation, hobbies, etc.
- Responsiveness: Designed to be responsive across various devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.
- Animations: Implements animations using AOS (Animate On Scroll) library to add subtle visual effects.
- Footer: Includes a footer section with links to the ITI website and a button to scroll back to the top of the page.
This project serves as a practical demonstration of frontend web development skills, showcasing the use of modern HTML and CSS techniques to create a visually appealing and functional website for a specific course's final project.